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Writer's pictureClaire Venus

Failspace - space to fail - resources and updates

Posted on behalf of the Failspace project.

The official part of the FailSpace project is drawing to a close.

However, we still have some exciting things to share with you and questions to ask:

Book: Failures in cultural participation

Leila and David have written and published an open access book with Palgrave MacMillan. Failures in Cultural Participation presents a framework that encourages more open and honest conversations on failure, transparency and value. You can download it for free or purchase a hard copy here:

Inaugural Lecture: A Lifetime of Failure

Leila Jancovich has been made a professor in Cultural Policy and Participation and will be delivering her inaugural lecture in Leeds on 20th January. It is free, all are welcome, register here:

Moving our toolkit

Thank you for all of your support, whether it is interviews, filling in questionnaires or feedback, sharing stories or participating in our workshops and conference. As we finish the project our dedicated website is moving and our toolkit is now hosted by the Centre for Cultural Value here .

We hope that FailSpace will continue in some shape or form going forwards not only within the official project but also in how the cultural sector can continue to embrace failure and conversations around failure as a part of learning so please stay in touch and let us know any ways in which the principles behind the FailSpace project have changed your thinking and/or practice. We would really love to hear your comments, please email

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